Topless in Canyonlands

Looking for a real backcountry trail challenge? Try Canyonlands. Definitely recommend at least 2-3 days as it can take up to 2-6 hours to get through the whole park depending what you’re stopping to see. We only went to Island in the Sky. The admission pass is good for seven days so it is flexible if you’re a local or staying in the area.

This place is huge! Its a perfect place to be as far away from any human being as possible. Also, there isn’t much wildlife except maybe some bats or a few birds, and we saw a few jackrabbits.

Recommend to check out:

  • Green River Overlook
  • Murphy Point Trail/Overlook
  • Mesa Arch


This is just the view from the main park office.


GoPro selfie with Mesa Arch overlooking the canyon.


Green river overlook. Great for a quick nap :D


Beautiful textures of the land show even as the light breaks from the rain.


Looking for a tough trail? Murphy trail (rated as “strenuous”) was our backcountry trail of choice to find a nice camp spot off the beaten path of tourists. Honestly, we didn’t make it far with our packs when we saw a sharp drop off with switchbacks all the way down the canyon.


In moments like these where you’re hiking at least 8 – 10 miles a day with no internet, no technology except our cameras, you can finally get lost into yourself and do some proper self reflection. I think in these very quiet moments where you are in no rush nor trying to slow down, but just focused on the pace of your steps, you finally get to remember who you are. I don’t think most people have enough of these moments. There is so much to be grateful for. We just have to let the dust settle in our minds, look up from our phones and smell the flowers blooming all around us which we have worked so hard to create.


I began to forget what day/time it is and things like my home address. Everything fades into a rigor of waking up at 5 AM and getting on the road to cover as much ground and make as many hikes as possible.




Cooking dinner with a view



Really can’t complain as we achieved one of the most beautiful camp spots we could ask for. It was sheltered by a small cave and overlooking the canyon.


Must have nude photo overlooking this view! Here’s the rated PG one. The first photo didn’t go well…

By the time I put the camera up on a tripod and turned it on, I saw the battery was dying. I tried to set the timer to longer than 10 seconds, but I could not find it. I am butt naked freezing in the desert wind chill and Josefine is standing waiting for the shot. I just press the button and run for where Josefine was standing. The first shot I didn’t make it and ended up with a bloody scrape on my left knee. I still have the scar. I guess it’s always a good story. Here’s the shot which we ended up not using the tripod haha.


Next day taking in some views while driving around.


View of the Needles from a distance.

TIP: Hack for cheap travel… you don’t actually have to pay for the backcountry permit. They don’t check the cars left overnight. You’re essentially pitching tent in the open land which you already paid entrance. Please just pack it in, pack it out if you take this tip!

Cheers to the next trip in Havasu Falls!
